My 69 YO Dad is currently living at home by himself, has a caregiver "check-in" on him 2 times a day - he had a situation where he wasn't careful with his meds (took too much of some, not enough of the other) - and was imbalanced, and sent to the ER.
Long story short, he was in the ER/Hospital for almost a month before he was discharged - convinced the medical staff that he could go home on his own (has a history of mental illness, takes meds for psych/anxiety/depression and also has a prescription for Vicodin) - so my family and I worked to get him a caregiver, Life Alert system and a locking medication box so he would be "safe" at his house.
Not even a full week in, and things are not going well - he is constantly upset/tearful, constantly asking for the Vicodin pills and is getting angry with us (family), who are trying to help him.
He is divorced, so the "family" that is helping him are his 4 daughters - we are all in our 30's, and not financially prepared to help him with care - and are finding it's becoming mentally and emotionally draining for all of us, not a sustainable lifestyle at our age.
We did not have a close relationship with our Dad, so at times this is more of a burden than anything.
Questions: are there legal options for us if we decide that we can no longer help him take care of himself? I do not want to become a guardian for him. I am currently his POA so that in itself is a responsibility.
Thoughts? Coming from some *exhausted* daughters.
5 Answers
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Unless he's declared mentally incompetent, he's responsible for himself. Get your name off that POA document.
He is not assessed as demented, so they are unlikely to see to it that he is put in the care of the state; but they can do wellness checks on him. If they suggest that you assume POA or Guardianship tell them that has been impossible for you due to his being non-cooperative with family, and that family relationships in past and present are not conducive to your assuming any care. Request that he be put into guardianship or conservatorship by the state. They will then decide when, where, if he is requiring placement. You will not have any say at that point where he goes or how his assets are spent by the Fiduciary for his care.
You are not legally liable to care for your father.