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Chunkster54 Asked May 2021

I'm in a nursing home due to my guardians. How do I get there even if my guardians don't want me to? I need my freedom!!!

JoAnn29 May 2021

You have posted before and didn't respond to the reply. But it looks like you were looking into an Assisted living.

You have been disabled for 20 yrs. From your profile I see you get around by wheelchair and have some paralysis. Have you talked to the Social Worker? Have you been evaluated for a level of care like an Assisted Living? If not, you could ask for one. Have you spoken with your Dad to see if you can be placed somewhere where you have more freedom? You need to be able to care for yourself with little assistance.

It would depend on your needs to if an AL would except you and if Medicaid would pay for one.

AlvaDeer May 2021
A nursing home is not a jail. If you are of sound mind, and do not wish to have a guardian, you can leave this place on your own. If however you have needs for mental support or physical support it becomes more complicated. You are clearly computer savvy, so I suggest that you google Elder Law Attorneys in your area, and have one visit you in your Nursing Home. My brother did all her legal work from his Rehab with his attorney visiting him, so this is perfectly do-able. Tell the attorney that you have been put under guardianship. This, by the way, is not a matter of getting "even" but a matter of getting your own rights back. Tell the attorney you need representation in court to remove guardianship. If you have friends to support you there can be a great help in that. I am wishing you good luck.


Kantankorus May 2021
As you are doing better because of rehab, you might request something from your treating physician to formally acknowledge your improvement and recommend some return to semi-independent living.
Your guardians should respond more favourably to a report and respect your rights (with the relevant letter of authority) to facilitate your desire for freedom.

JoAnn29 May 2021
If you have guardians, then a Judge has determined that you cannot be on your own.

This is what I get from your profile. That you were disabled in 2000 and it took till 2005 to get Social Security Disability. I will assume that Medicaid is paying for your care?

I would think to gain your "freedom" you would need to prove to a Judge that you are capable of living on your own.

thingsarecrazy8 May 2021
Awe you wanting to get new guardians, or are you wanting to not be in a nursing home?

answry May 2021
I'm sorry but I don't understand your question.

Are you saying you are in the nursing home due to your guardians but don't wish to be in the nursing home?


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