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Jammin13 Asked May 2021

We just put our mom in a Senior Community. Her son had her sign the house in both their names, now he refuses to buy her half. Any advice?

We had to take her from him because he was mentally and physically abusing her. Now we're finding out that he had her sign a Will disowning her family and he got everything but we were able to get a lawyer and properly have her with a new Will, but now we're finding out there's a life insurance and the house will be his and no telling what else he has done. He also refuses to give her any of her things like her hope chest, etc.
She is so hurt by him scamming her, I just want to do what's best for her.

AlvaDeer May 2021
You need to take your Mom to an Elder Law Attorney with all documents she signed. Also a copy of the deed on the home. You will have to get that from public records.

jkm999 May 2021
Take this whole mess to a lawyer. Also, recognize that it's going to get ugly no matter what you do so don't delay or try to work it out with your brother before going "legal" on him.


Midkid58 May 2021
So, this is your brother doing all this?

I think you will have to continue to 'go legal' on him, if you feel that you or mom have been wronged.

Is mom competent to make decisions still? Have HER involved, as much as it may pain her to have been scammed by her son.

If he refuses to buy her half of the house, then it will go to foreclosure, unless it's paid for. He's planning to inherit the 'other half' anyway, so why BUY it when he essentially will be buying it from himself. This sounds like a hot mess.

He sounds like a real winner, all around. Seems like every family has a mooch in their midst.

I hope mom is of sound mind and can make these changes as she'd want and cut this guy out of everything. Easier said than done, for sure.


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