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caregiver00 Asked May 2021

Mother is in a skilled facility. Her Medicare stopped with her insurance after two weeks. Can anything be done? This is expensive for her.

She is primarily in for PT but has medical problems. Now she has to pay self pay. She lives on ss only but has a savings account of 75000 which she keeps and does not touch. She is in PA. Is Medicaid out for her? She will end up paying thousands of dollars in this facility. She is going to stay to have an outpt procedure at a hospital and then come back for assessment of PT again. They won't restart PT they stated because they will use up her med part b and it will be gone. She is have restorative aid care aid comes in and walk with her, exercise with her but it is not a daily basis. This is included now because PT stopped. Can anything be done? This is expensive for her.

JoAnn29 May 2021
I really don't understand what is going on. Medicare pays 20 days 100%. 21 to 100 days 50%. The 50% left is either picked up by a supplimental or paid by the patient.

Was she in prior to all this and too soon for Medicare to pick up again? Can you get in home care with Medicare paying. Maybe PT at home with her paying would be cheaper than staying in rehab. Even outpatiant therapy. Yes, she will have to go thru that 75k before Medicaid would take over.

You don't need to keep her in rehab. There is no law saying she has to even go. What are the benefits of her staying? Rehab is a money maker. Not saying its not needed at times. Hoping someone understands your problem better.


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