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Elizabethmom1 Asked June 2021

My mom needs a neurologist. What do I do?

Mom needs a neurologist but she does not have medical insurance part B. It was deactivated. Help is what she needs. What do I do? Now we have a phone hearing to go through. Do not know what stage of dementia.

lealonnie1 Jun 2021
This is the 3rd post you've written on the exact same topic. You've already gotten 5 responses to your second post right here:

And 10 responses to your first post on the subject right here:

funkygrandma59 Jun 2021
Until you get her insurance issue worked out, you can always just pay cash for the visit(s). Dr.'s charge less for cash paying visits than if you went through insurance. They will also set up a payment plan if needed.

Is your mom only needing to see a neurologist just because you want to know what stage of dementia she's in, or is she having other issues as well? A neurologist really doesn't do much for folks with dementia, other than perhaps prescribe some medications that really don't help in the long run anyway. And perhaps they can tell you what type of dementia she has, as there are many.

If it's only to figure out what stage she's in, you might want to save yourself the aggravation, and money, as really in the big picture of things it doesn't matter, as she will only continue to get worse and worse, and if you care for her, you will see for yourself the changes, and know that she's declined to another stage. Sadly with dementia/Alzheimer's the changes are very obvious.
I wish you the very best.



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