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Tracyof04 Asked June 2021

Where can I go for an alcoholic elderly mom?

My mother has been an acoholic for 48 yrs now, but in the last yr it has gotten really bad. She is using a walker, she falls a lot, I have had to call 991 10 times in 1 yr, she hits her head a lot. I need to put her in a home. I am 52, I live with her to try and take care of her but she is very stubborn, we never got along too good but I have no other family to help. I work graveyard to do I am just tired. Need help.

Sendhelp Jun 2021
APS is adult protective services.

Your Mom is young. Not sure they will help with this issue, due to it being her choice, and you do not mention dementia.

Mom has to decide to go for help herself. She can go to AA (Alcoholics Anonymous).
funkygrandma59 Jun 2021
The OP states that she is 52, so her mom is not all that young, so Adult Protective Services should be able to step in, to at least give Tracyof4 a plan of action for her mom.
Sendhelp Jun 2021
You go for yourself, to Alcoholics Anonymous, but go to Alanon. For families of Alcoholics.
Either online, or when meetings open up, go to meetings.
There you will learn ideas, concepts, and techniques to distance yourself emotionally, mentally, and physically from enabling the alcoholic.


funkygrandma59 Jun 2021
It's time to have mom placed in the appropriate facility. They may however have to send her to detox first, as I don't believe facilities are set up to care for those patients detoxing.
You are now to the point where you MUST do what is in the best interests of your mom and her safety, and honestly you know that that will be out of her home.
And if your mom won't go along with that, then it's time to wash your hands of her, move out, call APS and report an elderly person who's in a dangerous living environment, and let the state take over her care. I wish you the best.
Tracyof04 Jun 2021
Whatis aps
AlvaDeer Jun 2021
Tracy, alcoholics who do not wish to work hard for a cure will not be cured. You are living with your Mom, and somewhat enabling her to remain in her home; this will come to a head when an eventual fall sends her to hospital. I recommend placement for your Mom so you have some life with some quality to it. Your Mom is unlikely to change and things will only get worse. Only you can make these choices for yourself. It may be too late for your Mom. I am so sorry. This has to be a constant grief and worry for you.


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