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Stacy0122 Asked June 2021

"Essential Worker Appreciation Day", lol? Did anyone else in Michigan get an email or text about how to show appreciation home caregivers?

Did you get the following:

"Dear Ms. R,

Govenor Whitmer has opened the state and declared today Essential Worker Appreciation Day!

Since we value all those we help, we will be enforcing mask mandates and other protocols until the CDC lifts regulations. Please feel free to contact us with any concerens.

Our company allows a nomial gift of less than $50. Our employee's love gift cards or a meal. Show them you care for them as much as they do for you.

Much love,


WTF, is this crap!!! Like I will give money to people who are late, sit on their butts and steal because the company is short staffed.

JoAnn29 Jun 2021
🤣 Tell your aide she has already gotten her $50 by stealing from you. And if the agency asks why you didn't give ur aide anything, tell them the same thing. Also, if they did their job, you would be glad to give them a little something.
Stacy0122 Jun 2021
Lol, funny but not funny. I gave her a 12 pack of tp, 4 paper towel and a box of gloves on last Sat as a "test." As of Tues night 2 rolls were used. Checked Thurs morning, her off time from Thurs to Sat and the morning worker had not yet showed up. There was 2 rolls of tp left, 0 paper towels or gloves and a note saying other workers would need it for the weekend. When I asked G about it, she said the worker told her the imaginary family living in the house uses it.
sjplegacy Jun 2021
Wow!! That's gutsy! I think the employee would feel more important and appreciated if the agency would increase their pay.
Stacy0122 Jun 2021
The govenor gave them all raises of $2.25 per hour + free college + a 1600 bonus. The ones that come to my house make between 16 and 18 per hour which is not horrible to play on your phone all day.


cwillie Jun 2021
Is this from your agency Stacy?
I used to roll my eyes at all the rah rah nominate your caregiver for caregiver of the month crap I got, I couldn't figure out what was so special about showing up and doing your job. Then mom's caregiver retired and I discovered how rare that was!
Stacy0122 Jun 2021
Yep, the agency!!! I completely agree with you about showing and doing yout job, the lack of expection annoys me.


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