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AliAli Asked August 2021

Dad has a lower leg blood clot after recovering from fractured hip. Does edema ever improve?

Hello, my active, bright 87 year old father fractured/dislocated his femur neck June 14th. He discoverd AFib issues and just last week they discovered lower leg blood clot. Hemo doc suspects it is a complication from surgery. Don't know why they didn't give an 87 year old blood clot medicine when he couldn't get around.

Moving forward, He has moderate edema in feet and lower leg..
My dad usually drives and is bright, and active. He lives on his own. He was doing so great with his leg even with A fib medication side affects and now he has to shoot himself up with an anticoagulant twice a day. Are there compression hose that an older folk with arthritis can get on? Does Edema ever improve?

Thank you!

againx100 Aug 2021
Edema can improve. My mom was on a diuretic (lasix) for it. Movement also helps. Ankle pumps. Raising feet above heart. Drinking enough water. I'm surprised they didn't give him a blood thinner earlier.

Good luck.

JoAnn29 Aug 2021
Are the doctors recommending compression socks?

There are ones with zippers now. They sell on the internet.



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