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gdaughter Asked August 2021

For some reason, although I have done it before, right now even signed in I am unable to update my profile here.

any directions would be welcome, thanks.

BarbBrooklyn Aug 2021
Same on my phone:
Touch Avatar
Touch settings
Third row from the top-- the second line after the banner-- is where you find "about me" and "caring for"

JoAnn29 Aug 2021
I am on a tablet. I clicked my Avatar then
Profile then
Settings then
You will see tabs for "care for" and "about me"


cwillie Aug 2021
I'm on a PC and this is what I see:

Look for the line below the AgingCare banner that says
Profile News Feed Activity Settings

Right below that in a smaller, grey font I see

My Topics Caring For About Me Subscriptions My Account Privacy

BarbBrooklyn Aug 2021
GD, when I tap my avatar and go to "settings" (on my Galaxy Tablet, don't know if you are working from a phone, that might be different), I see the Aging care banner line on top, then a second line of options and then a third line, where " caring for" and "about me" reside.

Hope this helps.

cwillie Aug 2021
You need to do it through your settings not the profile link, specifically the caring for and about me links.
gdaughter Aug 2021
Have found settings but not seeing the "caring for" or "about me" links


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