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Glendatgw Asked August 2021

Trying to prevent dehydration. Any tips?

Does anyone have any tips to get my mother to drink? I've tried different flavors, different cups, different straws... I'm just at my wits end so any suggestions would be appreciated.

Cashew Aug 2021
Jello, pudding, popsicles, watermelon, soup, stews, smoothies,

bundleofjoy Aug 2021

”falls on deaf ears”

we had the same problem.
the solution i suggest:

that the command/suggestion to drink water come from someone she does listen to (for example caregivers/doctors/nurses).

we have hired caregivers. they say “please drink this”, and our LOs drink it.

in our case, also works with phonecall from nurse/doctor/etc.


againx100 Aug 2021
No suggestions. Just understanding your struggle since my mom is the same way. She drinks much less than she should but does not heed my reminders which are infrequent since they fall on deaf ears.

Isthisrealyreal Aug 2021
I would try high water content fruits.

Watermelon, grapes, cantaloupes, honeydews, oranges, etc. All of them make nice frozen treats as well.

One thing that I noticed in the ALs is that the water pitchers sitting out for residents always had some kind of fruit in it. From strawberries to lemon and cucumbers and everything else in season.

Unfortunately dementia can progress to the point that every drink has to be encouraged. I would give her whatever she will drink.

GardenArtist Aug 2021
You don't mention natural fruit juices.   They're a good source of liquids.   Stay away from the pop though.  It's  not healthy.
Cover99 Aug 2021
Fruit juices aren't either
Maggie61r Aug 2021
Does she like popsicles? They have some pretty healthy sounding ones out there now made with mostly fruit juice.

BarbBrooklyn Aug 2021
Watermelon, cantelope, jello, soup.
Glendatgw Aug 2021
I hadn't thought of jello for some reason. Thanks!
JoAnn29 Aug 2021
Its hard when they don't feel thirsty.


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