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ryannyc88 Asked August 2021

Hospital bonus?

If a caregiver took my family member to the hospital in their shift, is that just normal pay or pay plus a bonus? Taking someone to the hospital is stressful and a lot of work.

Momheal1 Aug 2021
ER and hospital trips are a lot of work even for those without any disabilities.
So yes I would offer something additional - depending on what it entailed would be how to give a “bonus” - extra pay - gifts cards - etc.
For my mom any hospital trip involves a lot more work - but your loved one may be much less.

Grandma1954 Aug 2021
Was this a true emergency? Did they pass their normal number of hours?
Did they actually do anything when they got your family member to the hospital? Did they stay with them? Or did they leave once the person was in the care of medical staff? Did they stay until a family member arrived? And did they let the family member know what was going on and how far into the admissions process your loved one was?
If they took the person to the ER in a true emergency, if they worked past normal hours, if they stayed with your loved one and kept them calm, and stayed until another family member arrived I would say that caregiver should get a little extra. AND I would also write a letter/not commending them on the dedication and compassion.
A gift card or cash would be acceptable I probably would not go over $25.00 If the person works for an agency they probably are not permitted to accept anything extra, if they are most places cap it at $25.00.
If this person works privately for you I am sure you give holiday bonus or a little extra at the holidays this would be just an extra for this one incident.


BarbBrooklyn Aug 2021
I think I would be inclined to slip the caregiver some extra money, or a grocery store gift card.

vegaslady Aug 2021
I would say that is just part of normal extra bonus.


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