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MOMnapper1936 Asked August 2021

What can I do if I have been banned from the nursing home where my mom was put in against her will?

they have refused all visitation from anyone. they have taken away her telephone. her mental health is declining rapidly.

Bridger46146 Aug 2021
Whoputher in the nursing home against her will?
JoAnn29 Aug 2021
The woman has a guardian. The guardian
JoAnn29 Aug 2021

How do you know her mental health is deteriorating if you have not been able to see her or talk to her? Restrictions are now back up because of the new COVID strain. Even those vaccinated, it can be contracted and spread before u know u have it.

Questions were asked on your first post. No, you aren't required to answer them but its hard to answer questions when we have no idea what led up to mom being in a NH. She has a guardian and there is a reason why one was assigned.

What you need to do is contact that guardian. That is the person who has been put in charge of your Mom by a Judge. No Ombudsman or State licensing board is going to be able to override a State appointed guardian. You really have no rights. Guardianship overrides POAs. There is a reason why guardianship was assigned to Mom. Hopefully, by contacting the guardian, they will be willing to work with you.


Geaton777 Aug 2021
Your profile states:

"I have taken care of my mother for 16 yrs and my life revolves around her needs. I am a certified arborist and work full time. I am an only child taking care of her."

And that your mom is:

"85 years old, living in a nursing home with alzheimer's / dementia, anxiety, arthritis, depression, incontinence, and mobility problems."

So, if you were her only child and main caregiver then who has the authority (PoA or guardianship) to transition her into a facility? You yourself in your profile state that she has dementia AND that you work full-time. Perhaps she needed a higher level of care than what you were able to provide? We can't give you support if you don't give us all the truthful details of the situation.

Lizbitty Aug 2021
Is this in response to Covid? What specifically have you been told as to why? They’re hardly holding your mother hostage. I’m sure there’s a reason.


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