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Herdaughter54 Asked September 2021

Hospice nurse suggested Haldol 1/2 syringe to help momma rest/anxiety and agitation. Stage 4 Cancer metastasis. Anyone familiar with drug?

oldthing Oct 2021
tell them your fears of the side effects and ask what other alternative drugs there are....get a 2nd opinion if necessary, but you don't want your mother to be in pain so she can rest...

Mindgames Oct 2021
that was prescribed for my family member in hospice care and it seemed to calm her involuntary body movements done a lot. She was already taking the morphine at this point. She seemed a lot more comfortable and at peace. Hope this helps


GardenArtist Sep 2021
I think but am not sure that either my aunt (in AL I believe) or my father (while in a long term care hospital for ventilator weaning) were given Haldol, and both had unpleasant reactions.    My aunt hallucinated, and it was very unsettling and frightening for her as well as affecting her interactions with others.

During the end stages of my sister's metastatic breast cancer, she took Ambien as she was so stressed she had trouble sleeping.    But it caused hallucinations.   So we tried something more peaceful.   At nighttime, we played her CD of waves gently lapping on a shore.   I was very stressed at that time as well, and the rhythmic sound of waves calmed me down.

I've also listened to other soothing forms of music when I've been very stressed.   Hammer dulcimers tended to create relaxation for me.

My sister's  dogs helped; one of them slept with her and snuggled up to her.   That gave her peace and comfort.

Honestly, though at stage 4 cancer metastasis, I'm not sure there is anything that really can calm the agitation  and anxiety.  It's a horrible experience for anyone. 

You might consider searching for a  Gilda's Club though to raise the issue with others in similar situations, or at least consider discussing what interaction the Club can provide to help soothe your mother.   Knowing others in similar situations can help alleviate the isolation and fear.  I was really, really impressed with the Club.
Herdaughter54 Sep 2021
Mommas BP/pulse has been all over the place today. I know Time is very near. Pain has cranked back up. Nurse today increased them. I feel like she’s waiting for me to tell her it’s OK to leave. But i just Can’t!!! 😞😞
Bridger46146 Sep 2021
Haldol is an intramuscular injection. It's most commonly used in the treatment of anxiety associated with with several mental health condition. Hospice is recommending for your mom for the anxiety and agitation associated with her metastatic cancer.

funkygrandma59 Sep 2021
When my husband was in his 6 week dying process, hospice had me give him Haldol and Lorazepam through his picc line. He was also on a Fentanyl pain pump. None of it really seemed to help him from what I could tell.
Everyone reacts differently with medications, so hopefully it will help your mom. It is a medication that hospice prescribes often for their patients.
I wish you and your mom the best.
Herdaughter54 Sep 2021
nurse has her on so many meds for pain and anxiety. I was Just kinda thrown when she got the haldol out of kit and suggested it. Is my momma
possibly going thru pre a drive dying phase? Nurse just says she can transition any day now
cwillie Sep 2021
It's commonly part of the end of life drug kit, my mom (who died from aspiration pneumonia at age 99) was given it when she was actively dying.
Herdaughter54 Sep 2021
Momma is still moving around- not a lot- and only with walker and my assistance. Do you think that makes a difference? Or could she be in pre active dying phase? I’m clueless and worried. Nurse hasn’t come out and death imminent death but said very soon


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