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Acarilly Asked September 2021

How do I find a place to volunteer?

I am retired and I live in Imperial County 7 months out of the year. I volunteered at an Alzheimer's day car center years ago and would like to do it again.

igloo572 Sep 2021
If you are at all crafty or handyman type, if there are NH nearby, I’d suggest that you contact the activities director to see if they can use extra hands to help with activities. Especially this time of year heading into the Holidays, activities is super busy. They even might have stuff for you to prep out at home - eg cutting out felt, putting crafty items into lots of individual cups with lids, - & then bring over for.

Grandma1954 Sep 2021
Look up your local Hospice. They have Volunteer positions of all types.
Your Local Senior Center could probably use volunteers.
Thank you for Volunteering!


lealonnie1 Sep 2021
This is a chat forum for caregivers who live all over the world. You are posting this in the wrong place. You may want to contact your local Alzheimer's day care center and see if they are in need of your volunteer services.

Good luck!


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