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AlliUSAF Asked September 2021

I'm new here & was just wondering if every member is able to see what others post, or is it someone from Aging Care? Thanks!

My question is quite private so I don't post it on too many sites.

MargaretMcKen Sep 2021
Some posters know that others in the family also use the site, so they also want to be ‘quite private’. They pick a user name that isn’t relevant to them, they don’t say where they live (or they put in their profile somewhere misleading), they leave out details that would identify them, or they fake extra details in order to confuse.

A lot of what people post is private, they wouldn’t want the people they are complaining about to work out that it’s them. One way the forum is anonymous is that so many people have similar impossible situations, nasty relations, and horrible family histories. Elder abuse is common. If you click on Care Topics on the top right of the screen, and then click on E for Elder abuse, you will find 20 articles and over a thousand old questions and answers. Some of them might help you too.

Perhaps you could stop posting under this name, register again differently, and then ask your question. I’m sure you will find some support from other posters. By the way, I’m in the middle of Australia, so I’m most unlikely to guess anything about you!

Grandma1954 Sep 2021
This is an open forum. However if there is a person who you think might be able to respond to your question you can sent them a Private Message and they can respond likewise.


cwillie Sep 2021
You don't even have to be a member, everything on the forum is open to casual viewers from around the world. That said, you can hide your identity by limiting the info available on your profile (which I see you have already done) and by not providing any info in your posts that is identifying.

Isthisrealyreal Sep 2021
It is an open forum.


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