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Eschuk Asked October 2021

Is this available in Canada?

Our zip in Canada is 6 digits, yours is 5, I'm guessing this is for Americans only?

AgingCareCM Oct 2021
Good morning,
As Barb and Cwillie have noted, the forum and its support are worldwide. Feel free to participate, ask questions and apply the advice that works well for you. If you are looking for care services, we do have a form and advisors that support Canadian postal codes. I hope this helps you find what you are looking for.

cwillie Oct 2021
The nitty-gritty of caregiving issues know no boundaries and I've found it really enlightening to read how things are done in various places around the world (and even within Canada there are differences between provinces).


BarbBrooklyn Oct 2021
Eschuk, welcome!

We have many Canadian members, no worries about your zip code.

If you are searching for a specific service, that might only be available in the US, but lots of folks from Canada on the forum.


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