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CaroB123 Asked October 2021

Husband has started nonsensical babbling. He makes up a phrase of babble and repeats it ad nauseam for hours, like "lee-la-loo-la". Advice?

This repetitious babbling can go on for hours sometimes. When asked to stop, he can and does. When he is focused on the newspaper or a video game, it stops. He has a hearing deficit, is legally blind and an amputee who is in his late 80s.
I have to leave the room to concentrate on any necessary tasks.
Any ideas?

JoAnn29 Oct 2021
I would talk to his DR. This maybe anxiety and there are meds for it. Since he has a hearing problem maybe he doesn't realize he is doing it or is too loud. It also may be a comfort thing for him.

cwillie Oct 2021
Ear plugs.
(no I'm not being sarcastic, it has often been helpful for me over the years)


GAinPA Oct 2021
Earbuds for your iPhone when necessary to be in the same room. Play music or listen to those background "white noise", "music in another room", etc.

lealonnie1 Oct 2021
The simplest solution would be to ask your husband to stop the babbling, since he seems willing to do so. He may not even realize he's doing it since he has a hearing deficit and may not hear himself making those sounds; perhaps he thinks he's humming to himself but you can hear it, in reality!

Good luck!


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