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marytb Asked October 2021

Can a 99 year old enroll in a Medigap plan?

vegaslady Oct 2021
Age has nothing to do with it.

JoAnn29 Oct 2021
A few years back my fathers company did away with being responsible for retirees supplimentals. Instead they gave them $1400 a yr to cover the cost buying it thru an exchange.

There are different levels/tiers of Medigap. Depends on what you want to pay and Moms needs. The good thing about Medigap is it can be used in any State. Great for people who travel. The downside is there is no prescription plan included. My Mom had a State plan called PADD so she was Ok there. I took the plan that was within the money Dads former employer had given her. The most she ever paid out of pocket was $500 for a hospital bill.

Be careful about Medicare advantages. They are contracted by Medicare but have Networks you have to stay within. Her doctor may not be in network. They do include prescription plans. I have chose to stay away from them and pay out of pocket. I have Medicare with BC/BS as my secondary which is provided by my husbands Union.

Another choice would be Medicaid for health insurance if Mom is low income.

As I remember, Fla has a number of insurance agencies that can write policies. You may want to call your County Office of Aging to make an appt to sit down with someone who can explain all the different plans available.


97yroldmom Oct 2021
Yes. Here is a link to help you compare plans found in your 99 yr olds area.


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