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Jayrn59 Asked October 2021

I have to find a Long term care facility for my mom to be cared for at home. I have a long list of possible agencies but how do I choose?

Geaton777 Oct 2021
Yes, please clarify your question: looking for a facility where you can transition your mom into as a permanent resident? Or, researching care agencies to provide care for her in her/your home?
Jayrn59 Oct 2021
sorry. Researching agency to provide in home long term care for cognitive decline as well as some physical disabilities
GardenArtist Oct 2021
I'm a bit confused about your plan:  long term care or "cared for at home"?  Are you looking for agencies to provide 24/7, long term care, either living in your home, or want a facility where Mom could go to live?

This issue was recently raised.   If you're looking for an out-of-home placement, you might get some ideas from my previous answer of 9-26 in this thread:

They're for a slightly different situations, but hopefully offer some insights for you.

It would help if you clarify whether you want in home help or an out of home placement though.



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