I've been taking care of my partner who had a stroke and now has dementia for two years. I have someone coming into the house for four days a week but I still take care of him in the evenings and three days a week. I work on top of all this and am exhausted. The problem is that he gets such good care that he could live much longer.
There are medical hospitals in Thailand for people with dementia that look very nice and are someone affordable.
I'm considering this option even though it will cost me out of pocket.
Does anybody know how the airlines deal with someone with dementia on a plane? He would need to be in a wheelchair and medicated to keep him quite.
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I read the Guardian article about the care homes in Thailand people from the UK are using. According to the article, 1 on 1 care in a care home there costs 750 pounds per week which is roughly $1021 or $4084 per month. My mother is paying $6800 a month here for Memory Care Assisted Living but its definitely not 1:1 care or like a 4 star hotel. And the caregivers don't get in bed with her if she's having a rough time of things, that's for sure. But it's a nice place with great carers nevertheless, albeit expensive.
I certainly wish you good luck in finding a solution to this problem. Godspeed, too. All the best.
I'm tierd, my stum is sore and not sure what to do.
I hope you find the right advice to help you and provide direction and guidance and support. Wishing you much peace and blessings ~
Something about this post is 'off' in my opinion, in a bunch of different ways.
OP, if you are really considering such a thing, put the shoe on the other foot and think how YOU would feel if it were you and HE were shipping you off to Thailand for care. That should answer your question.
I know it's hard to care for someone with dementia, but consider Medicaid and allowing him to stay in the USA in a SNF where he can have visitors!
I've already been taking care of Anders for two years and am getting tiered. How much longer can I do this, I don't know.
The places that I'm thinking about are like four star hotels. Anders would have an attendant around the clock.
Anders never lived with me and we ever never maried. I've been trying to find a soft landing for Anders for the last two years.
My health is declining because I have very little time to excercise and relax. I'm an amputee. Right foot amputated.
I'm taking care of Anders with the help of a caregiver for four days a week.
I don't know how much longer I can go on sleep deprived, over worked and stressed out.
I also work at least 50 hour on top of my caregiving responsiblities.
I've been praying for a miracle but am starting to loose hope.
This is the article I found regarding the Thailand Mementia care facilities. I would end up paying aprox $10K per year in addition to his social security disability funds.
"I am caring for my husband Anders, who is -1 years old, living at home with alzheimer's / dementia, anxiety, incontinence, and stroke."
This makes me wonder even more why she (?) would consider sending her husband to Thailand? I think something's missing from the details of this situation.
If not a citizen of Thailand, I would think he needs a visa and then set up residency.
You are caring for your partner and in your profile you say you are caring for your husband and your partner. Are they the same person?
Unless your partner is Thai and has family why on earth would you send him there? Even if he has family medical transport would be outrageously expensive.
Airlines, at least ones for general transport would probably not accept a medicated passenger as trying to get them off a plane in an emergency would put others in jeopardy as well as crew. Someone would have to accompany him for the entire trip.
There are facilities in every country for people with dementia, stroke and other conditions that require 24/7 care.
All places "look good" on line, in brochures and on tours. But you still have to be a presence so that the staff knows someone is keeping an eye out for the resident. Your role changes somewhat when you place a person in a Skilled Nursing Facility, Memory Care or even Assisted Living. You are less of a Caregiver but you assume the role of ADVOCATE.