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peggyt4603 Asked November 2021

How to schedule a covid booster shot?

Want to schedule the moderna booster shot; received the first 2 through the Office of the Aging at the fire house in Belvidere

JoAnn29 Nov 2021
I would call your Office of Aging and ask if they will be offering the boosters. Your Health Dept should be able to help you. My Walmart gave me the 2 shots.

Midkid58 Nov 2021
My grands got their first shot at a Walgreens last Sunday. Made an appointment, popped in and were done in minutes. Most places do require an appt but they should not be hard to come by--nothing like the initial rollout where I had to wait a few days for an open appt.


AlvaDeer Nov 2021
Well, you don't need to rush if your first shots were also Moderna as the current studies show its efficacy lasts longer than all the others and it is still operating in the 90%tile to keep folks out of hospital and away from the grim reaper. If one has J&J they should consider attempting Pfizer or Moderna, and moderna is the stronger shot and holding efficacy longer. So there is that. Now you will need to check what is true for your area. You may want to check this Fire House to see if they are administering boosters. Often Kaiser will give boosters even if you are not a member if you show up at the tent with your proof of other vaccination and some ID. Also pharmacies are doing it, as well as Costco. Don't worry about being a member of Costco; you can use their pharmacy without being a member. It took only moments for my daughter to get her booster in Washington State. Call your MD and get recommendations as well. Good luck and stay safe. And remember, keep masking in situations you should, ie public transit. You can still get covid even if you are vaccinated. You are likely to be protected from serious life threatening problems as the shot is very effective against the PNEUMONIA component of Covid-19. However, there was a story on NPR this a.m. about a woman with long haul who had very mild covid that knocked my socks off. So take care. Here's the link for that. A 10 minute listen.

geddyupgo Nov 2021
Not sure where Belvidere is or what services you have but have you tried:
Contacting the group that gave you the original Moderna shots
As BarbBrooklyn suggests, your local Office on Aging (particularly if you are looking for a home visit for vax)
Your state Dept of Health (they set up vax sites in various houses of worship and other public buildings)

Good Luck!

BarbBrooklyn Nov 2021
Have you contacted the Office on Aging in your area?


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