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scharlau Asked November 2021

I currently have the Virginia State Advantage 65 supplement plan along with Medicare. Are there other plans that have better coverage/cost?

JoAnn29 Nov 2021
My daughter was just here. I asked again what problems she has with Medicare Advantages. She says they do not pay for things that straight Medicare does. She is Unit Manager for Woundcare at a hospital. The main thing is that Straight Medicare pays for bandages for her patients but MAs do not. She says these bandages can cost hundreds of dollars out of pocket. She does not like working with them.

I always thought MAs had to cover what Medicare does. Looks like they don't. I have noticed on the enrollment advertisements that the word Medicare Advantage shows up for a short time, it never did before. This is a new thing. Medicare should not be allowed to be used. I think its misleading.

DoingMyBest73 Nov 2021
I live in Virginia and moved my Dad down from Maine and had to change his insurance. The Office of Aging is an absolute godsend, make that call, you won't regret it. They will talk you through the whole process and how to compare plans on An under-appreciated resource!


JoAnn29 Nov 2021
Where I live the County Office of Aging can help with picking the right health insurance. Each State limits the number of insurance companies they allow to write policies in their State.

You need to weigh the differences between having straight medicare with a suppliment and having an Advantage policy. Medicare contracts out to Advantage policies. The downside to Advantage plans is you must use a Medicare dr in their network. Straight Medicare you can go to any doctor that takes Medicare.
Their advantages may the include Dental, Vision and prescriptions which straight Medicare doesn't. A cost you would have on Straight Medicare.

Someone at Office of Aging can guide u. If ur low income, you maybe able to get Medicaid for ur supplimental. In my State besides health insurance, you get prescriptions, Dental and Vision. For prescriptions, my Mom was able to get PADD which is a State Prescription plan.

Isthisrealyreal Nov 2021
Contact an insurance broker and find out what is available in your area.

Do not use an employee that sells for one company, when you call an insurance business, specifically ask if they are brokers.

This is the way to find out all of your options and costs. It doesn't cost you anything to use a broker.

Right now, Plan G is the best coverage and rates.

Best of luck finding the best policy.

vegaslady Nov 2021
Contact your state insurance agency for help.


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