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Pamilton Asked November 2021

Caregiver for husband with PD and dementia. What can I do with him while I have surgery and recuperating?

I cannot afford assisted living or live in help. I can’t leave him alone while I’m in surgery and won’t be able to be up and around while recovering. He needs meds 7 times a day, plus frequent cleaning of incontinence episodes. This incontinence issue eliminates getting in people I had in the past but they are not 
affordable or willing. What can I do?

gladimhere Nov 2021
If he s eligible for hospice Medicare will pay for two weeks of respite each year so the caregiver gets a break. Is two weeks enough? If check into getting him qualified for Medicaid.

97yroldmom Nov 2021
Call your Area Agency on Aging. Each county in the US has one. See what services are available.
Also call a hospice to see if your husband would qualify for hospice services. Respite for five days is available periodically through hospice. You might also call the Adult Protective Services and explain your situation.
Good luck with your surgery and finding help for your husband.


againx100 Nov 2021
When is your surgery? How long is your recovery expected to be? Are you currently taking care of him with no assistance?

Wow, this is a lot. It's complicated and difficult, no doubt about it.

For your surgery and recovery, I would place him in a nursing home for respite care. If his condition is as advanced as I have a feeling it is, this might be appropriate to be a permanent solution. If his condition is really poor, have you considered a hospice evaluation? As I understand it, it mostly shifts the level of care away from trying to fix problems and prolong life to keeping the person comfortable, perhaps for quite a long time.

Sorry for your situation. It must be very stressful. Good luck.

vegaslady Nov 2021
Call the Amercian Parkinson's Disease Association and inquire about their patient aid financial scholarship program and ask if they know of other resources.

Lizbitty Nov 2021
I’m sorry you’re in this fix. Rock, meet Hard Place.

Unfortunately, as I’m sure you’re perfectly aware, unless you have family that is willing to come and stay and get their hands dirty, you must pay for care one way or another. You WILL ABSOLUTELY NOT be able to look after him yourself. I was 9 months postpartum and was forbidden to pick up my baby for a month afterward (and the pain was so bad, I wasn’t pleasant to be around).

Paying for care (talk to the bank. Take out a loan if you have to) will keep your husband in your house. Drastic measures like surrendering your husband to an ER will help get your husband placed, but you may never get him back again.

It’s not fair, it’s not right, and I’m not American so I don’t know if there’s other resources for free care like in Canada, but the fact is, he (AND YOU) will need care while you are recovering and it needs to come from somewhere.

Hard decisions lie ahead. I’m sorry.


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