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OMGKittens Asked November 2021

I pay utilities for my elderly aunt. A friend said I should get a notarized agreement so we are repaid when her home sells. Any advice?

I am her POA as well and no other family is helping.

JoAnn29 Nov 2021
Your profile says Aunt suffers from Dementia. Because of this, she is not competent to sign a contract. Does ur POA say you can be paid?

I was executor of my Moms estate. I was out of pocket trying to keep things on because the house was for sale. I was able to recoup that Out of pocket when the house sold. I had all the receipts, the amount I was out was part of the accting. Maybe u could do this.

As the POA you are not obligated to pay personally for anything. There is help out there for getting discounted utilities if Aunt in still in her home. I agree, call the Office of Aging to see what there is out there.

jkm999 Nov 2021
I'm certain that there is a legal way to do this but I'm not certain that a notarized statement will do the trick. You really need to consult with an elder attorney and financial person if you expect to get repaid. If she has a stipulation in her will that you should be paid for the past utility expenses upon sale of her home and presentation of the receipts that will probably work but if she sells the house before she dies then I assume that you'll just have to trust that she'll pay you. And it gets more complicated because you are the POA so you would be paying yourself.


BarbBrooklyn Nov 2021
Why are you using YOUR funds to pay HER bills?

If she is destitute, most states have provisions for the elderly to get assistance with utilities. Call her local Area Agency on Aging.

Grandma1954 Nov 2021
If she can afford the utilities then pay them from her account.
If she can not afford the costs to keep the house because it is not just utilities but property taxes and mortgage if there is one. These should be paid from her account.
If she does not have the money a statement, with WELL documented receipts might help but be prepared that any money that you have used to pay for her upkeep may not be repaid. It would depend on what money is left after the house is sold and ALL debts are paid off.

Lizbitty Nov 2021
Are you living there? Can she not afford the utilities herself?


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