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lolomoy Asked November 2021

I put my mother in a pysch. hospital and now i cant find her. Any advice?

Last year I put her in a hospital due to mental illness. she graduated to a nursing home where she was going to have knee surgery. I talked to her and she was fine. NOW the place isn't in business and I cant find her! I know she is alive I just dont know where. I'm going broke and nuts trying to find her. any advice?

Isthisrealyreal Nov 2021
How long since you had any contact?

JoAnn29 Nov 2021
Try the Court in the County the facility was in. Ask if there were any filings for State guardianship for Mom.

I am guessing you didn't live near her? You didn't talk to her daily? I would think the move took a few days to empty the place. I agree, call your State Ombudsman.


GardenArtist Nov 2021
I echo Glad's query.   If you were listed as kin on the intake forms, you should have been notified.   If you weren't, there may not even be any record of your being related.

OuterBanks74 Nov 2021
Call the state mental health office. They should know where the records for a closed facility are kept.

Grandma1954 Nov 2021
Did the court appoint a Guardian? Or are you her Guardian?
The State Ombudsman should look into this.
Who is rep payee for her Social Security? They should be able to tell you where the check is going.
And out of curiosity did you ask the police to search for her, technically she is a "missing person" they might be able to do a search much faster than you can.
You also mention she was in Assisted Living, do they have any knowledge of where she is, she must have had belongings that would have been sent to her with any permanent move.
And curious why she has not contacted you....

mstrbill Nov 2021
Contact the state's ombudsman's office.

gladimhere Nov 2021
Why weren't you notified of a move? That is very strange. Contact the Department of Human Services for assistance.


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