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ebonell29 Asked December 2021

Any experience with delirium and hallucinations?

My mother mum 87 is in later stages of mixed dimensions. It is difficult to manage on a daily basis the delirium and occasional hallucinations but I manage the best way I can. New medication has been prescribed so fingers crossed it helps. She experiences on a daily basis that she has lived in America and that she never wants to go back. She constantly refers and relates everything to America. She has never visited America in her life so I am unsure why she’s having these thoughts. Has anyone experienced the same thing ?

gladimhere Dec 2021
Has she been checked for a UTI? Moves are very difficult for those with dementia.

cwillie Dec 2021
A lot of older people seem to be spending all their time watching the all day news channels and confusing the news with their reality, could that be part of it?
Beyond that I think that all you can do is agree that she's safe and reassure her that you will keep her that way. I hope the new meds are helpful.
Ariadnee Dec 2021
I tend to agree. There's a certain news company that thrives on reporting chaos, crime, criminals, conspiricies and mayhem, all day every day. If that is the case, why not start switching to a classic movie station? My husband with early dementia, even before this diagnosis, loved the old Andy Hardy movies. Now, he seems so more engaged with them, as well as the old classics-we watched Casablanca last night, he said he really didn't remember much of it. Though I'm sure pre-dementia we've seen it twice, once on the big screen locally. Sure, the old movies are kind've different, but that's ok, easy on the drama, basic plots, over acting (I'm looking at you-Joan Crawford) yet-just right for my husband.
There's old time radio shows streaming online too, great fun, well written and gentle entertainment.



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