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Abbyrun13 Asked December 2021

Uses of namenda. What are your reviews of the medicine namenda?

What are your reviews of the medicine namenda?

JoAnn29 Dec 2021
This is suppose to help with cognition. Its been discussed on this forum that these type if drugs help in the early stages but not in later stages. My Moms Neurologist chose not to use any drugs with Mom unless really needed.

My opinion, there is no cure for Dementia there is no stopping it in its tracks. I can not see prolonging the inevitable. The desease will progress. They still will end up in a world of there own forgetting their life and the people they loved.

gladimhere Dec 2021
How do you really know if a med is helping? I'm not sure you can. My mom took namenda and we continued it, just because. If something is not broken, don't try to fix it.

When mom was no longer in my care, twisted sis had her moved to memory care and started dinking around with mom's meds. The move was very hard on mom and the meds were working before, not after the move; I never knew what the meds that were stopped were.


polarbear Dec 2021
This is just my own observation on one Alz. patient, my mother. Her doctor prescribed Namenda. My mother took it for about a year. During that time, I did not observe any slow down or improvement in her memory or her behavior. She was combative, repetitive and crazy as a bat the whole time. Then she started hiding her pills on and off for months. So, I asked her dr to review all her meds and took off all unnecessary meds including Namenda.


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