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Dinashop77 Asked December 2021

As a family caregiver, I took care of my mother. I too have Alzheimer's. Now my estranged, greedy family are shaming me πŸ’¦ Any recourse?

Says I'm not entitled to anything more than them. Any recourse? I may not be. Probate opening. I thought it was against the laws to discriminate. It is not about monies, I am entitled to an apology at least

PeggySue2020 Dec 2021
Dina, I'm sorry, you have alzheimers yourself and are caring for a brother with dementia?

You reached out here for help. But your need isn't necessarily tax credits. You are both vulnerable elderly who need help at this point. Please contact APS for not only your brother, but for yourself.
Dinashop77 Dec 2021
I order a cooktop 4 prong ...shuts off when it gets to hot ! Security cameras i just bought. Sigh been busy i will install in a few days ...
JoAnn29 Dec 2021
If there is a Will, nothing the beneficiaries can do or the Executor. Its the Executors job to follow the wishes in the Will. He/she pays any bills outstanding from the estate. Sells the house/property if Will says thats what needs to be done. An accting needs to be done and everyone signs off that they agree to the accting. If you disagree, you contest the accting and so can they. If you are Executor, I would step down. Even a small estate can be overwhelming. You can hand it over to a Lawyer and he takes the % allowed by the state for those who are Executor.

Not sure if discrimination comes into this. If the Will is not followed you can contest it holding up closing of probate. Once probate is opened the Will is public. The Executor is required to contact beneficiaries that Probate is opened and include a copy of the Will.

If there is no Will, then u may be out of luck. An Administrator will be assigned by Probate to handle the estate. The Administrator will do everything the Executor is expected to do with one difference, the State determines who gets what. Children are first in line so if there are 5 children and the estate is worth 100,000 each gets 20,000.

Sorry you are being treated this way. No one wants to do the care but their hands are out when there is money involved.

So, you need to stick by your guns. Lets say u were left the home, if you refuse it (as my brother did) it has to be legally put back into the estate and I had to have a lawyer for this. So, can't be given to another beneficiary or sold out from under you.
Dinashop77 Dec 2021
There was a will however ..I was crying, my brother called me I felt so threatened he was really mad I told attorney to reverse it . The beneficiary deed and Will. I was POA however I am trying to get over her death so I told attorney I couldn't do it . I also take care of my disabled brother (dementia) .So I have to make sure he is not affected tho. Most assets are outside of probate except 35,000. I probated 6 months ago.tys


PeggySue2020 Dec 2021
I'm sorry. However, the will is what it is. If the will said the other sibs or parties would be cut in, then this is what it says. It is very difficult and costly to appeal this. Certainly more than it would be worth for an elder herself who's said she has dementia, herself.

I assume you are in the early stages yourself, having posted this. Your options are limited but not gone. I would suggest that whatever energy now be spent not on this, but on connecting with your county social workers, your area on aging, etc. regarding yourself, so that they will know you and you will therefore be prioritized among those who know you.
Dinashop77 Dec 2021
I don't understand? social workers? why? we are fine, I am putting my brother in daycare ..We have private doctors who are watching out for us .
I probated 35000 I want that monies to send him to day care etc. We are working . Thanks, I may have misunderstood. Thank you for your time !
againx100 Dec 2021
How is your family shaming you?

Did your mom die? Did she have a will?

What are you referring to when you say it's against the law to discriminate? What's the situation? Who is discriminating against you?

An apology for what?
Dinashop77 Dec 2021
I am fighting back just trying to get my act together. Sent me texts mean ones ... I never stole any monies from mom. I never changed insurance policies to me .I didn't know she put me as beneficiary.
Isthisrealyreal Dec 2021
Not following your question, can you clarify please.
Dinashop77 Dec 2021
Sorry my signal, Can they discriminate against me in the workplace? I did the job as any able caregiver. I am 1st stage. I am not getting paid however it's not about monies. I am applying for tax credit on my mother. Thanks for insight


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