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cosmicgirl61 Asked December 2021

What to do about care?

A week ago my 96 y/o mom had complete heart block, called paramedics, rushed to ER and told needs a pacemaker. Dr performed the surgery and when I finally got to see her, she was trying to get out of bed ( still needed to keep leg straight) and her right leg was ice cold. I found this and alerted staff who quickly & frantically tried to get ankle pulse. After consult, they started heparin. By next morning it had not worked. She could not move her leg. Another procedure to try to suck any clots did not work. At this time they started talking about amputation!!!! This was not going to happen & she had no circulation in her leg now. At this time they are talking about hospice and a facility. Because she is not referred for any rehab, this is an out of pocket expense and because of the level of care she needs it’s expensive. She has some money and her home but is in serious need of repair so probably wouldn’t get much. I am heartbroken over her situation & feel like there is some negligence here on hospitals part and was told and incident report was opened about the situation. Also on her second night in hospital she tried to get out of bed and fell, hit her head (CT scan was negative) cut her knee and has a black eye now too. What can I do with her? Any ideas? She already gets VA survivor benefits and I can apply for maybe more but this is hard and will exhaust all her money if I can even find a place. Palliative consult said a couple of weeks to a couple of months with this dying leg. So sad about her situation 😢😢🙏🏻🙏🏻

Isthisrealyreal Jan 2022
I am so sorry for your loss and your moms suffering.

May The Lord give you grieving mercies and strength for this new season.

Hopefully, the attorney can stop anyone else from being injured by the incompetent doctor that did this, my prayers are with you on this.

cosmicgirl61 Jan 2022
Thank you all, my mom passed away on Jan. 2, 2022. The pain from the dying leg was awful for her. She went on hospice 12/29/21. Four weeks to the day she was laid to rest. I’m heartbroken she suffered with this leg and there was no good option…either amputation at 96 or suffer with they dying leg, I didn’t think she would be strong enough to recover from that surgery and knew the outcome of not having surgery. This site has been invaluable during my caregiving days ❤️ and just know that. I have a conference call with the attorney that has her records to either tell me they believe their was negligence and they’ll pursue it or not.
MJ1929 Jan 2022
I'm so sorry about your mom. I remember your post, and I can't imagine how terrible it must have been for everyone involved.

I hope you find peace in the happy memories. The pain of her last month will fade -- trust me.


vegaslady Dec 2021
Won't Medicare cover the hospice facility?
cosmicgirl61 Dec 2021
Medicare covers the hospice part but not the room and board part of a facility.
AlvaDeer Dec 2021
Clearly your Mom sustained a serious clot from what you describe. I am so sorry. With heart rhythm problems this is not uncommon, and at your Mom's age she is more susceptible to complications, which are present for any surgery and any complication. I myself would not have opted for the pacemaker at this age, but apparently your Mom did wish to have the treatment, and chose to take on the risk in hopes she could thrive. Sadly this was not the outcome.
Are you/is she considering hospice? This should not take a few months for consult at all. It would be declining further threatment, recognition that the end of life is coming, and that comfort is now the goal. Medicare does cover hospice care.
I am thankful for her that you have not encouraged her to have amputation. At her age the complications, the recovery, would be very unlikely, and could extend only her suffering in all likelihood.
I am so sorry.
cosmicgirl61 Dec 2021
Going through the groin he went through a vein not an artery. My thought was if it was caught in recovery in time by checking the leg often, maybe heparin could have been administered right away versus 5 hours later and no medical personnel discovered it, I did.
mstrbill Dec 2021
I would consult with an attorney. Not just an elder care attorney, but an attorney who can pursue negligence against the hospital. Your mom shouldn't be responsible to foot the bill for hospice and the facility, have the hospital's insurance pay for it.
Isthisrealyreal Dec 2021
I agree. Unfortunately, everyone that under goes surgery signs a release with all the known possible issues, even unto death to hold the hospital harmless.

I am shocked that she wasn't put right on blood thinners, the obvious high risk and normal protocol would say that's the action taken.

Good luck holding whomever failed accountable.

Has a vascular specialist seen your mom or is it an idiot hospitalist trying to do this? I would demand a vascular specialist if that hasn't already happened.
bundleofjoy Dec 2021
huge, huge hugs to you, dear cosmicgirl!!! and to your mother!!!

your poor mother.
it does sound like negligence on the part of the hospital.

you said your mother has weeks/months left. :( :(

any chance she can spend the rest of her life at home? die at home? what are her wishes? you know her best. what would she want.

warm home, lots of love, her favorite food, your love…

hugs. can she communicate?i’m sure she feels all your love.

huge hugs to you!!

bundle of joy
cosmicgirl61 Dec 2021
She cannot move her leg, it is already turning colors. She will be bed confined. Will need to be turned, etc. apparently a lot of care,


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