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Wndrwmn12 Asked December 2021

Should you give Alzheimer’s patients current pictures of loved ones they no longer recognize?

My dad has been in a memory care unit for almost 4 yrs. My youngest son is graduating this year. My dad only remembers him as a small child. Should I give him pictures of my son now, or just of him when he was a young boy?

AnnReid Dec 2021
Won’t matter either way unless you expect him to respond from his memory.

My LO knew 2 of her great grand nieces and nephews but now enjoys seeing pictures of them as cute babies.

If your father enjoys a picture of “this handsome young man”, fine. Otherwise show him the picture without insisting that it’s his grandson, and remove it when you leave.

Stay in your father’s present. He doesn’t have a “past” or “future”.

AlvaDeer Dec 2021
One christmas I gave all the kids one of those little flip books that hold pictures of them from childhood through to grown up. They loved it. It might be a wonderful present in this instance.


JoAnn29 Dec 2021
There was a post where the woman didn't think her husband was her husband but a stranger. Why, i think because in her mind she remembers the young man they remember not the old guy sitting next to them. My Dad did not recognize my adult daughter. When she said "its R" he said "R" is a little girl."

If your Dad thinks his son is a young boy, then just show him pictures of when he was young. I believe that Dementia patients go back in time and become children again. They do not see themselves as "old" people.

againx100 Dec 2021
While your intention is nice, I would say no. It will just be confusing to him and life is already confusing enough for him. Showing him some pics of people that he can recognize would make more sense.


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