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Helen63 Asked December 2021

Why am I as belligerent to my very elderly belligerent mother?

lealonnie1 Dec 2021
You get what you give in life, most often.

Grandma1954 Dec 2021
There is no detail in your profile and your question is a bit broad.
Quite often we reflect what we are given.
You walk around with a smile and greet people well and they respond in like fashion. Bonus, you have a great day. If you wake up like the Grinch (before his heart grew) and mumble and grumble people will give back the same, Odd how this happens very often you have a bad day.
Why not try flipping the tables. As difficult as it is try greeting mom with a smile and a cheerful hello.
You do not say if she is living with you, you with her or if she is alone or in IL, AL, or MC but your greeting might be the only bright spot in her day.
Now if mom has dementia you may not get her to change but it will make you feel better. (I did find that when some situations seemed impossible with my Husband I would just start to laugh at the absurd situation and eventually he would laugh and that would be all I would need to distract and redirect him. )

If you care to add a bit more detail you might get some more insightful answers.

I am sure that some will ask if mom has always been like this or if it is a new behavior. If it is new you might want to get this checked medically often UTI's will present in very strange ways.


AlvaDeer Dec 2021
I don't know. Why do you think you are? Could just be the solid training you had from her. Is her belligerence new, or something she has honed for many years?


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