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MyGrandMA Asked December 2021

How can I get assistance to pay for an aide to be with my grandma overnight?

PeggySue2020 Dec 2021
The aunt is living there. Why isn't she taking care of the night duties? My God. If this lady is 110 years old with dementia she does belong in a home as she's obviously miserable from what you wrote on your profile. Evict Leech Aunt or have APS do it.

Grandmaofeight Dec 2021
You need to get senior social services in your area to step in and help. They can also help navigate getting aid to pay for a nurse


freqflyer Dec 2021
MyGrandMa, wow, I read your profile and saw where your Grandmother is 110 years old. That is very impressive.

Since an Aide comes in to help your Grandmother during the day, who pays for this Aide? Does your Grandmother, or is the Aide paid by the State via Medicaid [which is different from Medicare].

Since you plan to request an Aide at night, I have a feeling if she is under Medicaid, Medicaid will decide it would be in your Grandmother's best interest to be placed in a nursing home. It would be less expensive for Medicaid [which is taxpayer funded].

Oh, who is telling you that the Aunt is taking your Grandmother's money?

JoAnn29 Dec 2021
I am surprised the management allows your Aunt to live there. There are laws that prevent this kind of thing from happening. If this apt is being subsidized , reason Mom is only paying $190 a month, your Aunt is not allowed to reside there according to the agreement Grandma has with the agency paying the balance of her rent.

I would say that what ur Aunt is doing is considered abuse. Not sure if you should talk to management and they can start eviction of ur Aunt or call APS (Adult protection services). You have to be careful because you don't want grandma evicted just the Aunt.

I have had to drum this into my nephews head that no one but him can live in his apt. He is on State assistance for his rent. What he pays in rent is based on his income. He cannot move anyone in. He had a GF (actually she used him) that I am so afraid will come back to the State, find him and give him a sob story.

gladimhere Dec 2021
Call the Area Agency on Aging to learn what assistance is available in your area.

Maggie61r Dec 2021
Not sure where you live, but if you are in the US there should be some help available from Medicare or Medicaid. It would be a place to start looking for options. Also, as another poster recommended, check with Social Services or your local Dept. of Aging.

Becky04473 Dec 2021
Check with Social Services. They might know of resources to help you. Most aides are paid by the client or their family.


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