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j6nnie Asked December 2021

LBD, Lewy Body dementia and significant drowsiness/sleepiness

HI, I am doing research for a loved one who came back from the hospital, but after that the patient, my mom, was sleeping 10 to 15 days in a row, and returned back to the hospital. Is prolonged sleepiness a part of LBD Lewy Body dementia or not -like something else?


TChamp Dec 2021
Oversleeping is a common sign of advanced dementia.

j6nnie Dec 2021
This information and your advice is invaluable. Thank you funkygrandma. God bless you.


funkygrandma59 Dec 2021
People with LBD are often very sleepy by day but have very restless and disturbed nights. They can suffer from confusion, nightmares and hallucinations.
So if your mom is sleeping both day and night, then perhaps it's something more than just the LBD, and worth getting her checked out.
Also keep in mind that because LBD is a very aggressive dementia, that it could also mean that she is nearing end of life, as people do sleep a lot then too.
My husband who had vascular dementia slept between 18-20 hours a day for about the last 6 months of his life, so it may not be a bad idea to get hospice on board at this time as they will make sure that your mom is kept as comfortable as possible and has everything she needs as far as equipment, supplies, and medications, all covered 100% under her Medicare. They will also have a nurse check on her once a week to start, and aides to come bathe her about twice a week. You can talk to her doctor about getting them on board.
Best wishes.
j6nnie Dec 2021
Dear Funkygrandma, Im so sorry to hear about the passing of your husband, it must have been a painful time. Thank you for your post.


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