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Kjk1960 Asked January 2022

I live in my motorhome that needs a new water heater, furnace, bed and antenna

Am I eligible for any help living on ssi?

EH0101 Jan 2022
Contact your local HUD office, Dept of Social Services, or the Housing Authority. There are emergency housing vouchers for the homeless. Based on what you described to be your living circumstance, you would qualify for a voucher.

Sendhelp Jan 2022
Park that thing in an R.V. Park or Mobile Home Park and use their showers, and facilities. Yes, pay the rent even if you will use 60-70% of your income, imo.

If that is your only and primary residence, you will have an address this way, and can apply for IHSS (In home Supportive Services), through your Senior Center/Area Agency on Aging.

Don't know your situation, but it sounds so close to homelessness, you need to take action now to protect yourself and your future.

Make an application for senior disabled housing (apartment), there is a waiting list. Be ready to give up your motorhome lifestyle, it may be standing in the way of you getting some real help and seems a cheap way to live, but it's not.


AlvaDeer Jan 2022
Check with your SSI caseworker, Kjk. Often they have access to low income help or charitable help. For instance in my own city the Chronicle, our Newpaper, has a Season of Sharing Fund that they administer free of charge, funds of which are given to charities in cases of application of need. May be for just about anything. I wish you good luck, and hope you find help, esp. for heating.
PeggySue2020 Jan 2022
Chron's season of sharing is for people with kids mostly, or people who are actually homeless. Not for people who might have a motorhome that they're presumably paying rent for. If they don't, oh well, they are at least housed for now.

They're going to be low-priority compared to the rest of these people, particularly the single adult population.
PeggySue2020 Jan 2022
OP, your profile says you live in LA County, one of the most expensive counties to live in. Your username indicates that you are 61. Being that you are on SSI, you already are getting free services that most people don't get.

If you want a new bed/mattress? Craigslist. Drive your motorhome over to whoever is upgrading their mattress and get theirs. Don't expect a new one.

Antenna? It's not on society to pay for you to watch TV. As an SSI recipient, you already are eligible for a free phone, which you can hotspot to get Internet.

Furnace and water heater? Your electric company might be able to help with that. If they don't, then consider moving to someplace that has a communal shower system or such. You're in LA County. I seriously doubt you will freeze to death.

Geaton777 Jan 2022
Contact Social Services for your county (online at the Dept of Health and Human Services section). It won't be Federal aid, but state or local aid. Since this is a global forum, we can't give more specifics than that.

gladimhere Jan 2022
Call the Area Agency on Aging. They will help you identify any resources that you are eligible for.


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