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WhiteRaven57 Asked January 2022

Disabled wheelchair dependent person dropped off alone by ambulance. Who do I contact for help?

Who do I contact for help? I am immune compromised.

JoAnn29 Jan 2022
You are the person they dropped off? I hope u were able to get help from APS.

See people, hospitals can discharge unsafely. Its Rehabs/NHs that can't. They have Medicaid and the State who can step in. With hospitals, they deal with insurance companies that determine when a patient is discharged. Hospitals are not LTC facilities.

TChamp Jan 2022
It's sad but certain health agencies get some patients discharged in that way. I assume this is the case with this patient. They do that when the patient is ready for discharge and the family refuses to pick him/her up. Medicare or Medicaid tell the agencies that after certain date, they will no longer pay the agency for the patient's care when they determine that the patient doesn't need anymore services. Many families try to duck their responsibility by "disappearing" when the facility ask the family to pick up the patient.


PeggySue2020 Jan 2022
Contact the hospital social workers, Area on Aging and whatever caseworkers are assigned if you receive SSDI (Medicare) or state Medicaid.

ConnieCaretaker Jan 2022
Adult Protective Services?


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