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Cappuccino42 Asked January 2022

Rash from sanitary / depends. I feel like the area needs to be aired out to heal, but how do you do this with incontinence?

Mum has painful rash around her inner buttocks from what I presume is from wearing sanitary products / depends.

We have ointment, we have sensitive baby powder and try change her depends regularly. We have tried several different brands of depends type products but she has extremely sensitive skin and I’m guessing the moisture / urine is causing this. She is literally in pain over it a lot of the time. She doesn’t want to sit currently due to it,...
I feel like the area needs to be aired out to heal, but how do you do this with incontinence?

lealonnie1 Jan 2022
Check out this bidet toilet seat attachment which has a short video showing how easy it is to install! And it's $30!
Cappuccino42 Jan 2022
Will definitely keep eye on it. Says currently unavailable.
MargaretMcKen Jan 2022
It might be a good idea to take a couple of photos of the rash on your phone, some time when you are helping M. Perhaps when she is lying on her side and you can part the buttocks. Take a desk light with you to make sure it’s well illuminated.

It sounds as thought the doctor was a bit cursory, and the photos might be a way of making sure that you get better medical advice. I’d also suggest taking them to the pharmacist for advice. Pharmacists have a specialist degree in medications (at least they do where I am), and their expertise is often underutilised and undervalued. I got the best advice and the most support from the local pharmacist when my dear MIL had a similar problem. It’s free and no appointment needed!

And don't forget simple pain killers, which work for things you may not guess.
Cappuccino42 Jan 2022
I like the idea of taking photos for the doctor because maybe then the situation will not be as brief! I think the doctor wasn’t really keen looking at Mums bottom half nor was Mum keen on it,.. so it was over before you know it. He literally just glanced at it...


gladimhere Jan 2022
Why would anybody recommend an incontinence product that they know nothing about? I must be missing something here.

Google mckesson incontinence and there is a brief made by them. So many know so much.
Countrymouse Jan 2022
I think the poster means she wouldn't know anything about the manufacturer/own brand point - doesn't mean she doesn't know what's on her bottom!
JoAnn29 Jan 2022
I am going to be put down here, but if you haven't tried it, try Desitin baby cream. Its a barrier cream. You need to make sure the area is clean so use a wipey. I like Huggies, big and thick. Most creams and ointments are water soluble. So they come off easily. Desitin isn't. When I used it on my girls, rashes cleared up fast.

It wouldn't hurt to try it. My Mom got a yeast infection under her breasts. The rash is large bumps. If this is what ur Mom has, maybe a probiotic will help. I would not use a powder. I like the idea of a hair dryer.

Isthisrealyreal Jan 2022
Witch hazel is great for skin issues.

I would definitely get a doctors opinion on this 1st.

If you think it is from incontinence then she needs to be changed more frequently.

cwillie Jan 2022
It really sounds like a yeast or some other fungal infection, I think you need to tell the doctor that what she has been given isn't working.
In the mean time do the same kinds of things you would do for a child with a bad diaper rash - keep it clean, keep it well covered with a good barrier cream (I liked ones with zinc oxide), and allow it to air out as much as possible. You might try placing a disposable bed pad below her when she is lying down rather than using a pullup, I understand that is often what they do in hospitals now.

lealonnie1 Jan 2022
Sounds like your mom needs help when she uses the toilet & has a BM. Telling her to use wet wipes doesn't mean she's wiping properly, especially when dementia/ALZ is present, and a caregiver must be there to do the wiping to avoid situations such as you're seeing now. A bidet toilet seat is also a good idea to have a more hygienic clean up after a BM. Presuming this rash around her inner buttocks is coming from wearing Depends sounds like an incorrect assumption to me; considering the location of this rash, I'd attribute it to incorrect wiping after a BM.

Good luck!
Cappuccino42 Jan 2022
Hello, I didn’t mean the primary cause is the incontinence pads/depends but that the constant moisture is irritating the rash/problem :) she wipes herself but I am there to also assist if need be, depending on how she goes. Think the bidet is probably my answer... as well as proper ointment/solution to the rash..
Becky04471 Jan 2022
I have an allergy to disposables - pad’s, disposable briefs etc. diagnosed by dermatologist. I’ve tried almost every brand on Amazon. I’ve found McKesson to be the best. Comfortable and less irritating. Available on Amazon and at hospital supply stores. Expensive but worth it.
JoAnn29 Jan 2022
The McKesson brand is made by Kimberly-Clark. They are a pharmacy wholesaler not a manufacturer, the place I worked was their competition.
Countrymouse Jan 2022
Don't just slap on ointment without getting professional advice on what's causing the rash. You want to rule out fungal infection, just for example, which often takes advantage of moisture lesions and can be very uncomfortable.

There are two ways to leave the skin (more) exposed for intervals, depending on how difficult the incontinence is to manage. If the "output" is not too great in volume (say, at particular times of day) then you can just put a disposable bed or chair pad underneath her and leave it at that; but if that's not practical and could get very messy and miserable for her then use the insert pads, rather than the all in ones, and just place them in position without underpants or a mesh.
Cappuccino42 Jan 2022
The ointment was prescribed by Dr for her rash. However, hasn’t cleared it and Dr didn’t particularly look into it too much. I think her heaviest output is during the night as during the day, I prompt her to use the toilet regularly but still I think she does need them or she’d be soiling through her clothes.
joniallison Jan 2022
My mother has the same issue but she blames it on the depends products! I am certain it is from the urine and feces (she has both urinary and fecal incontinence). Your mom would benefit from a bidet but that probably is not an option at this point. I am starting to use a "peri" bottle with my mom -- these are normally used by women who have recently given birth to gently clean the perianal area. To dry the area, I use a small travel hair dryer on the lowest heat setting. Ointments and creams help. I keep reminding myself that this is probably quite common among seniors who are incontinent, and it is very similar to a baby's diaper rash. You just need to keep an eye on it to make sure it is kept under control.
Cappuccino42 Jan 2022
Yes, I do question Mums hygiene. She is not fecal incontinent but regardless of wiping, there would be bacteria still left that is then spread by the urine incontinence/moist environment. I tell her to try use wet wipes too but she’s not too familiar with them so it’s a constant struggle.
I have been considering calling a plumber to install a bidet shower unit on the toilet as it would be a lot easier then Mum hopping in shower, especially with the dementia. What is this Peri bottle??
gladimhere Jan 2022
Sounds like bedsores. Has a doc looked at them? They need to be treated. They can cause all sorts of other medical issues, some very severe.
Cappuccino42 Jan 2022
Bed sores on inner buttocks? I mean Mum has her entire life had rashes due to her sensitive skin. She once had such a bad allergic reaction that Dr ordered she wasn’t allowed to shower BUT these painful sores are mainly around the private parts. Dr did look at it quickly and she was prescribed an ointment but hasn’t worked. Dr didn’t full on look at her inner buttocks.


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