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Dot1977 Asked January 2022

MiL went into the hospital for UTI treatment and just tested positive for Coronavirus. Has anybody else experienced this?

So after keeping her safe all this time, this happens in hospital. We found this out today. Doctors tells us that she is currently asymptomatic, but we are really worried. Has anybody else experienced this? She is 82 and has Leukemia (in remission) and dementia. We just don’t know what to expect.

Dot1977 Jan 2022
She has convinced them that she should be released today as symptoms are mild and she can look after herself. This really isn’t the case as we have to watch her like a hawk as she is prone to UTIs (leading to falls, hallucinations, delusions). We prepare meals, tablets, shop, manage finance etc, etc. I think she probably did a bit of ‘show-timing’.

So she now has carers going in three time a day until she has finished isolating.

In a way this is a positive thing as it gives us an opportunity to see how she will cope in these conditions, while we are forced to stay away for a few days. If it works it may be the way forward for now.

Her dementia is moderate until the dreaded UTI returns. We work full time, but we are on call 24/7 and visit daily. This might be the respite we need.
CTTN55 Jan 2022
You are forced to stay away, but not the carers?
gladimhere Jan 2022
It could be a false positive. There has been national news in the last week that there are many people that to go the hospital for something, unrelated to covid, and then test positive. These patients had no idea they had covid.


Beatty Jan 2022
Dot, hope your MIL is doing ok.
Dot1977 Jan 2022
Thank you. She’s being released today.:)
ElizabethY Jan 2022
A lot of patients are testing positive but they're coming in for other things. It's just caught coincidentally because they get tested if they're going to be admitted.
My mom's AL/MC has recently had some staff test (+), and they've been fine after the 5 day quarantine, no residents have picked it up, or perhaps they have but aren't symptomatic. I

MargaretMcKen Jan 2022
Hi! If it's Omicrom, it does seem to be less virulent even if more infectious. Our booster shots are tomorrow (Pfizer after Astrozenca vacsx2), and we are just staying low on the farm for as long as we can. We hope that the peak will pass. Good luck to all your family, Margaret

Anabanana Jan 2022
Parallel lives. We were very surprised when the test administered by the hospital upon admission for a UTI came back positive for COVID-19. My mother (97) is not entirely symptom-free. She has simple cold symptoms. My mother is vaccinated (Pfizer) and her condition is stable. They are treating her UTI (aren’t those a nightmare?) and her nurses report she is chatty and in good spirits. When I read your post I asked my husband if he was secretly Dot1977. 😉

Dot1977 Jan 2022
Thank you all. This has made us feel a little less concerned. She's fully vaxed and boosted. So hopefully...

She gets confused so can't always manage her iPhone. However the staff have promised to help her Facetime this afternoon.

MJ1929 Jan 2022
My mom caught Covid at 91 in a rehab hospital before the vaccines were available. Other than the fever, they'd never have known she was sick.

Have faith she'll sail through, too. If she's vaccinated, that'll be a huge help, too.

Tothill Jan 2022
If she is asymptomatic, she may have caught it prior to entering the hospital.

I know Omicron is running rampant and likely we all will get it. I just heard that 3 friends who have been careful contracted it earlier this month. All women in their mid 50’s who are fully vaxxed.

I hope your mother continues to have a mild case.

PeggySue2020 Jan 2022
My ILs both tested positive in April 2021. MIL is a s4 lymphoma patient who was partially vaccinated at the time. She got the Regeneron monoclonals (that do not work now). FIL tested positive on the day he was considered fully vaccinated with j&j. Despite having afib, copd, one kidney, recent stroke and multiple other diagnoses, he was completely asymptomatic.

She's in a hospital, which is the most equipped to handle any event that gets worse. If, especially, she is vaccinated and boostered, I'd worry very little about this.

Beatty Jan 2022
So sorry to hear that. I don't know what will happen. Hopefully she will stay asymptomatic or at least only get a mild case. The UTI can be treated.

Dratted virus is just everywhere where I am. Even the most careful people are getting it.

Can Mom use the phone or video call so you can stay connected? Keep her spirits up?


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