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anonymous966920 Asked February 2022

My husband went to outpatient physical therapy and they accessed him and they said only in the apt he can walk without the walker. Advice?

I am worried. His balance is off. Also I need to go to the store . I do not have a caregiver today. What should I do ?

Geaton777 Feb 2022
Shirley, call the grocery store and tell them you need to place an order for delivery but are having trouble placing it online. Tell them you're a senior with a sick husband -- they may be able to take your order over the phone. You will need a credit card to pay for it.

Or, do you know your neighbors? Is there someone you can trust to ask for their help and give them your grocery list?

JoAnn29 Feb 2022
As said, he can fall when ur there. Maybe give him a cane and ask when your not home he use it. Make sure there are no obstacles in his way. My Mom had a small room where there was something she could hold onto. Actually, in a small area walkers can be dangerous. The legs get caught on furniture for example.

Seems you may have a stubborn one there. You can ask that he do things for you because you get anxious for him.

Shirley, you post but never respond. It would be nice to hear how you are doing. You can vent here. Some find it helps. Just warn us its a vent.😊


AlvaDeer Feb 2022
I would be the last to go against the advice of a professional who knows the patient and has assessed the patient. You are saying that you are nervous to leave your hubby while you go to the store, that he may fall? He may fall when you are home, as well, and so, if this is a short, hour or so, trip to the store, I am not too certain of the difference if you address a fall right that second, or tell him, if he falls, he should stay quiet until you arrive home. Is he capable of keeping, say a jitterbug phone in his pocket that he can call you on? Is there some dementia that concerns you? I guess I am asking "What exactly is your concern". His balance may never return. That was the case for my brother for years. It was a matter of staying as safe as he was able, and having a way to reach out if there was an accident. The same is true now for his ex partner, who is confined to chair or w/c when no one is around.

BarbBrooklyn Feb 2022
Shirley, do you belong to any kind of church/synagogue/temple?

Most faith communities have "mutual help committees"--folks who can pick up items at the store and drop them off when you are ill or homebound.

And then of course there is Instacart, Peapod, Fresh Direct if they are in your area.

funkygrandma59 Feb 2022
If it's the grocery store you need to go to, you can place an order online and either quickly go pick it up, or they can deliver them as well.
When my husband was alive, he too was a fall risk, and eventually became bedridden. I used the Blink security cameras in the living room where he was, that I could access from my phone when I had to run out for any kind of errands. Mine are the older model where I can only see and hear what's going on in the room(s) where they are, but they now make them with 2 way talk which is even better. And they're fairly inexpensive. Of course there are many other options as well for security cameras. You may want to invest in that peace of mind, as they are worth every penny.
And until you get some, just try having your groceries delivered to your front door. Best wishes.


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