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letitbe Asked February 2022

How do you know it's dementia vs delirium?

letitbe Feb 2022
Hello everyone, thank you for your input. Mother is in the hospital with pneumonia, a uti and ketoacidosis that , the ketoacidosis which is now under control. Mother was recently taken off a ventilator, is breathing on her own and moving on her own, however her mind has not caught on yet.

I came to visit Mother and the first thing ahe said to me via video was, "Take me to the Doctor, da****", I believe not realizing she is in ICU, a hospital, she started gromacing at me, her daughter and reapted herself at least 3 times looking mad at me.

She then wined to the nurse that was assiting her, "no dont leave me," and the nurse as well as I tried to assure her she is in good hands, but she seems to not accept this, and continues the repetitive sayings and uncertainty of just where she is.

Before this with the onset of the illness, she seemed to be in and out of dream wake reality, speaking of things that are not happening once awaken or repetitve gibberish which was not understood.

She still knows her name, but Im her only child, I believe she does not know who I am.

I ask if this is more than Pyscosis because there is a family history of dementia, delirium and pyscosis, but Medical staff did a CT of her brain and say everything looked normal.

I'm so sad to wonder if my 71 year old Mother will return to herself and cannot understand what happened.

How long does this physcosis persist, will it wver go away? May I have to dis harge her into a skilled nursing home. It's just me with her, her brothers are not that nice, careless, nad discharging her with me...she may be combative and beat me up on the ride home which is not safe for wither of us.

However, Thank God she is alert and responding and moving. I will also pray for your loved ones as well.

What do you think? Thanks for your help.

lealonnie1 Feb 2022
Delirium is normally part & parcel OF dementia. Putting a question into a title and having no further info, or a profile, makes it impossible to give you a lucid answer.


AlvaDeer Feb 2022
Without a full medical workup with the doctor you can't know. TChamp has as good a starting point for beginning to comb it all out as I have seen.
Can you tell us what symptoms are going on, and how long they have been going on? Can you tell us if you have taken these complaints to the doctor?

TChamp Feb 2022
In general and in a nutshell, delirium is an acute temporary mental condition that affects the functions of the brain. Dementia is a permanent and progressive mental condition that starts gradually. Symptoms in delirium are: agitation, confusion, disorientation, poor concentration, thought disorder, false perceptions like delusions and hallucinations, visual mainly. Delirium is reversible. Dementia starts gradually, is progressive and permanent. Symptoms of dementia begin with cognitive impairment, like poor memory, poor calculation and poor concentration. Gradually begins to affect the thoughts processes and judgement. In the late stages there are hallucinations and false beliefs. Dementia is incurable.

MargaretMcKen Feb 2022
Hi, and welcome to the site. Please complete your profile, and explain why you are asking this question. You aren’t likely to get much help without more detail.


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