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mmonteros Asked February 2022

My mom recently passed. We would like to find a good home for her walker, and other elder care items. Located in Orange County, CA. Ideas?

MJ1929 Feb 2022
I live in Orange, and the Orange Senior Center in Old Towne was thrilled to take the walker I had. Give them a call.

mmonteros Feb 2022
Thank you. I love the idea of a 'lending closet'. I hadn't thought of a social worker so will reach out to the hospice workers who helped with my father.


Grandma1954 Feb 2022
Check with your local Senior Center, they may have a "lending closet" Or if they have a Social Worker they may know of a person that needs items and is under or un insured.
You could check if there is a Volunteer group they may also lend out items.
A local resale shop might be a place to donate items.


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