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Gloria012 Asked February 2022

My mother (92) is still living in her apartment. She wants to continue to give monetary gifts at Christmas but is worried. Advice?

lealonnie1 Feb 2022
If mom can afford to give monetary gifts at Christmas, then that's what she should do. If she cannot afford to give monetary gifts, then she should stop doing so. What advice is it that you're looking for???

Geaton777 Feb 2022
Go into the social services website for her county to find the answer as to what is allowable, or just call and talk to someone there who is familiar with Medicaid.


againx100 Feb 2022
If this is about Medicaid, I'm pretty sure she can give gifts. Not HUGE gifts but reasonable gifts.

JoAnn29 Feb 2022
Need more info. Why is she worried about it.


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