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jordan1gaines2 Asked February 2022

I am the caregiver for my Father (85). He is here with my sister and me. She absolutely dislikes him and resents him being here. Help?

She is disrespectful to him and barely helps me. I love him with all my heart. He just stays in his room all day to avoid her, so do I.

JoAnn29 Feb 2022
If its her apartment then its time for you and Dad to find a place of your own. Dad may have an easier time getting help alone. Try Social Services to see if housing can be found for him or you and him.

If u have trailer parks in ur area, check them out for renting.

jordan1gaines2 Feb 2022
It is technically her apt though the 3 of us share expenses. She refuses to move. I am so afraid of what I guess will happen and that is to somehow move to a 1 bedroom ground floor dwelling. Not money or support to do so. But, I have to get us out of this abusive situation because when she has 1 of her frequent bi polar rages it is unbearable. Guess I am feeling scared and sorry for myself right now. Thank you for responding. I know I am not alone.
PeggySue2020 Feb 2022
If she's the defacto landlord, she does get the say on who's in her house.

How long has it been since you and Dad moved in? Where is he on ADLs? How much household disruption has occurred?


JoAnn29 Feb 2022
Our answers will really depend on who owns the house or is renting. The way you have worded your post is like you moved Dad in. How old is Dad.

PeggySue2020 Feb 2022
Who owns the dwelling? If it's you or dad, tell sister to beat it.

If it's sister's, then unfortunately you guys should go to somewhere where she won't be.

Riverdale Feb 2022
That is very sad. Here is a somewhat different situation where your stress is not brought on with your aging father but your sister. We don't know the circumstances of why she is living with you but she certainly seems very ungrateful over all and is clearly not bringing anything positive to your living environment. I agree with others in that she does not deserve to be in a home where care would be helpful and is only seemingly a negative influence. Hope you solve this situation and perhaps could explain to us why she is in your home.

MJ1929 Feb 2022
Why is SHE there if neither of you likes being around her? Maybe she needs to find somewhere else to live.


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