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Becky139 Asked February 2022

Why are some weeks worse than others? It seems to cycle.

We have some weeks that are okay and then others where my gran is really confused, upset, won’t eat much and sleeps around 18 plus hours a day.
During a good week she sleeps 16 hours, is neither happy or upset, will eat a small portion without any hassle, and is less confused.
Any ideas why this happens in cycles?
She doesn’t poop very often ( once a week) Dr is not concerned and doesn’t think this is the problem.
He says it’s the disease.

lealonnie1 Mar 2022
Constipation in people with dementia can lead to a worsening of their confusion, as well as symptoms of irritability or aggression, per the Alzheimer's website. Your grandma's doctor is misinformed, I'm afraid. My mother took Miralax as needed to insure regularity, so you may want to try something to get your grandma moving her bowels more often.

As dementia progresses, there is increased damage to the brain and, as the person's confusion increases, she may start to ignore (or be less aware of) the sensation of stool in the rectum, leading to constipation.

Even if you manage to get her regular, dementia behaviors are still not reliable and always subject to change all the time.

Good luck!

TChamp Mar 2022
Symptoms of Lewy body dementia are very fluctuating and unpredictable. Other dementias too, but in a lesser degree. There are my factors that exacerbates the symptoms of dementia in general. Like changes in temperature, noise, diet, lack of sleep, pain, constipation, indigestion, being ill, etc.etc.


funkygrandma59 Mar 2022
Welcome to the world of dementia! There is no normal with dementia, just the ups and downs of daily living.
I would be more concerned about her not pooping regularly as that is not healthy or good for anyone. You may want to make sure she has more fiber in her diet, along with some prune juice, and stool softeners. You can also give her an enema too if necessary.
I don't know of any doctor who thinks that pooping just once a week is normal and not a problem. She may need a new doctor.
My husband had vascular dementia and pooped every day until he got closer to the end of his life and then I had to take more extreme measures to make him go, so her doctor shouldn't be blaming it on grans dementia. There is something more going on with her, and that needs to be addressed.

againx100 Mar 2022
This elder care dementia land is not often a straight line but is usually more of a roller coaster.

Do you do anything for the constipation? Probiotics? Psyllium husk? More water? Not easy, of course, when she has bad days or weeks but something might help her to be more regular. I never knew it could be related to confusion level.
Isthisrealyreal Mar 2022
Psyllium husk can cause a blockage if there is not enough fluid intake.

Just an FYI.

I recommend a magnesium supplement to help with overall health and regularity. Of course, an apple a day is really important, as well.
97yroldmom Feb 2022
If you take her BP often, you might notice it increases when she is constipated. Even if you take her vitals just once a week you will begin to see a pattern and know what is “normal” for her.

triplecrown Feb 2022
I've been noticing lately that when my grandma is constipated her anxiety and agitation increase 10 fold.


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