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Hannahs Asked February 2022

Where can I find a list of health insurance companies that offer adult day care coverage in their Medicare Advantage Plans in Kansas City, MO?

JoAnn29 Feb 2022
Your local Office of Aging maybe able to help. I found when looking for a supplimental for Mom only certain insurances were allowed to write policies in my State.

Isthisrealyreal Feb 2022
Find an insurance broker that handles Medicare. You don't want an agent, they work for a company and a broker works for you and sells all companies products.

They will be able to guide you to the best plan for your needs. It doesn't cost you anything.


Hannahs Feb 2022
Appreciate your response.

Here's a link to an article that references the growing number of health insurance companies that have expanded their Medicare Advantage programs to cover adult day care. We have sent inquires to local and national offices of Aetna, Humana, and United Healthcare. We have not received a yes or no on whether these health insurance companies are offering this coverage in the Kansas City, Missouri area.


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