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GGrams Asked February 2022

After a fall, I landed skilled care. My family want their privacy. Where can I go?

I'm 89 years old and in good health. I am on Medicaid.

Nokonoko Feb 2022
This is heartbreaking, it will not be easy but I wish you all the best and hope that you will be able to find a place to call your own. I am sorry your family refuses to help.

Ireland Feb 2022
Good Morning,

I believe if you are on Medicaid you can receive services in the home. Each State is different. Once the hospital and/or short-term re-hab facility discharges you they would only do it if it were a "safe" discharge. The important thing is to have a plan in place so when you get home you can rest assure. Usually, a nurse does an assessment, physical therapy, occupational therapy, home blood draw and a CNA for showers. Durable medical equipment will be delivered to your home and yes the previous respondent mentioned a hospital Social Worker, I agree absolutely. You may want to sign up for Meals on Wheels and I think someone can come into your place to clean as well. That may be part of Medicaid the Social Worker would know more.

There may also be a button (Life Alert) something along those lines that you could be eligible for. Basically, a button you wear around your neck in case you fall at home.

A hospital bed may be needed. Again your physical and/or occupational therapist can assist you with these. Perhaps a bed with railings? They will advise you. Your Primary Care Doctor (PCP) will write the order for services.
You have to have a paper trail.

In addition, in some States, a family member may get paid to care for you so many hours a week only if you are on Medicaid. Again, each State is different. So maybe you could throw out the idea "after" you find out if it's offered and they could become a caregiver and get paid for it.

Sometimes a bad fall your balance may be off so this is crucial because you don't want to fall and be found on the floor. So have a telephone tree. A neighbor that you call or they call you every day at the same time. There is a lot of help out there. Most people, myself included, wish to remain in their home upon hospital discharge. However, your safety comes first.

Your house will probably have to be modified with railings around the toilet, shower bars and NO area floor rugs. Get rid of all those step in shoes. The railings on the toilet work good as to prevent UTI's. That and if your doctor thinks Cranberry Juice, a shot each day can keep the UTI's away.

Food can be ordered online and call your Church or join one. Call on the troupes tell your Social Worker at the hospital I need all the help I can get. I think it's great that you are on this forum seeking help. You are in my prayers!
97yroldmom Feb 2022
If you read her bio and from her question, it appears she is on community Medicaid and has been living with her family. She doesn’t have a home to retrofit or bring services to.


AlvaDeer Feb 2022
See the social worker in your Skilled Nursing Unit and become involved in your own discharge planning. Sure do wish you a quick healing, and very good luck in finding a great place to stay.


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