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statewise Asked March 2022

Should you prepay for a burial plot if you have life insurance?

My husband is under hospice care and I wanted to know how much it will cost to bury him. He has life insurance, but, when I talked with the people at the place where I would like to bury him they told me about the cost of prepaying for his burial. I told them, he has life insurance and I just wanted to check their prices on various things. While I was there, I picked out the space, markers, etc. However, they told me if I make a down payment and make installment payments, now, I would get a discount because he has not passed yet.

I need advice, has anyone prepaid for a burial plot when you have life insurance? I do not know if this is a wise choice to make installment payments when you have life insurance. Please advise.



babsjvd Mar 2022
Most everything is in place for my mom, except she lives out of the state where my father is buried with everything in place there… except coffin etc.. I am not having a funeral, I need to turn in her life insurance in a month or so, she’s out of money. From that I am doing an irrevocable trust to pay for cremation, and shipping for my mom to placed with my dad…

AnnReid Mar 2022
If you prepay, you will ultimately pay less, and have no burdensome tasks to decide upon when his passing occurs.

I knew exactly what my LO wanted and everything is now in place.

There IS a small life insurance policy I think, and those funds will go into the estate.

I actually took funds FROM her estate early in her illness, and paid for her funeral in full.


JoAnn29 Mar 2022
I will assume here that you are the beneficiary of the life insurance? I guess its all up to you. Do you have the money upfront to prepay the funeral? How big is the discount. If money is tight, I would just wait. The insurance will not be paid out right away so the funeral home will have to wait for payment. If you plan on a regular funeral there are flowers and the luncheon that are separate from the services the funeral home provides.

Becky, is your funeral prepaid? Because unless your life insurance stipulates that it goes towards funeral costs, the beneficiaries do not have to use the proceeds towards your funeral and then receive the balance. My GFs stepmother left a $100,000 policy to her daughter. It was assumed the daughter would cover the funeral costs and receive what was left over. That didn't happen. The daughter pocketed the entire $100k leaving the husband to foot the bill. This was a late in life marriage and both retired on fixed incomes. The daughter lived in a trailer owned by GFs Dad. He explained if she was not going to pay the funeral costs (that I am sure her mother had told her should be done since she knew she was dying) he was selling the trailer to offset the cost. She didn't pay and he sold the trailer.
Becky04489 Mar 2022
everything is paid. funeral, plot, stone.
Becky04489 Mar 2022
I have life insurance.. And my plot is already paid for and stone in place. It will make no difference in my life insurance. My beneficiaries will receive the insurance. They simply won't owe the funeral home or cemetery anything. The charges for my funeral are paid in full. The only thing that will be owed is for the florist/flowers. Even to have my death date put on the stone has been prepaid.


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