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rayas34 Asked April 2022

Why is it so difficult to move my mom from one nursing home to another?

They always say "we do not take patients from another facility." Is there a law against such practice? My mom is on Long Island, and I live and work in Manhattan. It is so far away.

I do not know where to go with this complaint.

Caregivingguy Apr 2022
I have been my wife's caregiver since 2005 24/7, i have dealt with that before concerning my wife. It's all about who to call to make this happen.
1. Research online other Skilled Nursing facilities, closer to you.
2. Research the reviews of that skilled Nursing facility online for any negative reviews.
3. Once you have located a Skilled Nursing Facility closer to you, "Facility Closer To you" is (Just cause) to have your mom moved to another Skilled Nursing Facility.
4. Then telephone the Skilled Nursing Facility closer to you, and ask to speak to the admissions person.
5. Now you are talking to the person that can help you accomplish this task.
6. Tell the Admissions person at the new/closer facility that you want to have your mom moved asap closer to family, so the family can visit her more.
7. This is called "Just cause" to have a loved one moved from one nursing facility to another.
8. Tell the Admissions person, can you help me do this, my family need your help.
9. The admissions person will need to get some information from you, and it would pay you to ask for a tour of the new facility.
10. The facility where your mom is now, they like that money so they are never to helpful in the moving process, lol
JUST CAUSE concerning Skilled Nursing Facilities is :
1. your loved one is not a prisoner.
2. The facility is not providing the care your loved one needs.
3. My family wants mom closer to us so we can visit her more, now you are including your family and you are not alone in this task.
Normally, it only takes a couple of days to get this to happen.
Good luck, and let us know how it all works out, and you have a wonderful day.

BarbBrooklyn Apr 2022
Is your mom private pay or on Medicaid?


AlvaDeer Apr 2022
What place is giving you the information that they will not send/accept the person?
Is it the facility that you want to use that says they won't accept a patient from another facility?
What reason are they giving you?
It seems to me such a reasonable request that you would want your Mom closer to you. I will be following to see if others have had this experience. This is the first I have heard of such a thing.
I wish you good luck.


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