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Questor Asked April 2022

Eye exam for bed bound senior?

My brother is 77 yrs old, with multiple health issues, and is living in a board & care home. He is non ambulatory. Doctor visits are via gurney, and they are an ordeal.

He likes to read, but his eyewear prescription is outdated and it tires his eyes to try to read. Most things are a little out of focus.

Are there any opticians who do house calls in California (specifically the Bay Area)? Or are there any other options?

Dental care, same question. What do homebound seniors do?

JoAnn29 Apr 2022
Call a Nursing Home and see what doctors come in to see tge residents.

For me readers alone would not to the trick. If you Dad wears prescription glasses to see regularly, readers won't help. He needs bifocals. If he sees fine without glasses then readers should be OK.
Questor Apr 2022
Thank you JoAn29, it is worth a try!
funkygrandma59 Apr 2022
If he's only wanting glasses for reading, why not just pick him up some inexpensive reading glasses at your local drug store(you can pick up several different strengths appropriate for his age, and return what doesn't work)and save you and him a lot of worry/concern about finding a mobile eye doctor. That might be the easiest solution, don't you think?

And as far as dentists, I know that there are some that do visits to nursing homes and such, so that will probably be easier to find for him, as you can most likely just "Google" that.
Good luck.
Questor Apr 2022
Thank you for the suggestion, and it may be worth a try in lieu of anything better. It just seems like there should be more care options for those who are unable to leave their homes.


MargaretMcKen Apr 2022
Do you have the prescription for your brother’s last pair of spectacles? If each lens is the same, or very close, good chemist specs of the next strength up could be a big improvement. If you don’t have the prescription, take his current pair to a chemist yourself and test them against the many options there. Then get a stronger pair.

I used to use opticians specs until I discovered by accident that my eyes were the same, and that chemist specs at $20 were just as effective as optician’s lenses and frames at $250. I was furious that it had taken me 20 years and many opticians before I knew – opticians don’t go out of their way to tell you. Of course this doesn’t work if there is a bigger problem, but it’s certainly worth checking.

lealonnie1 Apr 2022

Mobile Dental care link above
Questor Apr 2022
Unfortunately that link is to a business that is providing mobile dental services to businesses, not individuals.
Maggie61r Apr 2022
I was looking around for some possible answers for you & came across a program that UCSF has a program for eye exams for home bound seniors. Perhaps you can contact them & see what they offer.

It seems that they also have a Geriatric Medicine Department that could possibly be of use for your brother.

Best of luck to you & your brother.
Questor Apr 2022
What a thoughtful response! Unfortunately USCF services people in SF only. My brother’s care home is in Walnut Creek (other side of the Bay).
Fawnby Apr 2022
I’ve known of dentists who visited homebound seniors. It would help if the senior has previously been their patient. Call and ask. Same thing with eye doctor.
Questor Apr 2022
Good thought, may help others! Unfortunately my brother is living about an hour away from his old doctors.


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