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Cabdnour Asked April 2022

Does Medicare and Medicaid stay with a person in SNF?

My brother has multiple sclerosis. Lives with me and getting harder for me to care for. Does Medicare and Medicaid apply if he goes into a skilled facility? Also does anyone know if any caregiving costs are tax deductible? Thanks

Cabdnour Apr 2022
Thank you everyone. I'm overwhelmed with his decline,having a hard time in central illinois getting him placed. Still very short on staff in Skilled care. This forum is very helpful

Cabdnour Apr 2022
Aall my brothers care is because he is pretty much disabled. Cannot care for any of that tax deductible with in home care?


Cabdnour Apr 2022
YeYes, applying for long term care. Spending extra cash on in home care presently.

AlvaDeer Apr 2022
The caregiving costs being deductible is a good question for the CPA. They usually are not in a setting such as ALF but in Memory care may be. The level is high; that is to say there has to be a whole lot of money spent to make a meaningful deduction; if this person is already on medicaid that is unlikely.
As to coverage in the SNF, that also depends. Most SNFs are skilled nursing facilities used by and covered by medical for limited amounts of time while somewhat acute nursing skills are required. Once it becomes permanent admission to Long Term Care (LTC) the medicare doesn't cover and medicaid will cover. It is up to you to speak with each facility if you are the POA. You will be contacted for information on insurance, medicaid, medicare numbers and etc if you are the POA. At that time ask your questions of the facility. If the person at the desk doesn't know ask to speak to a social worker. They can often help.
Wishing you good luck.

JoAnn29 Apr 2022
Is he on Medicaid now?

To have him cared for in a SNF he will need to apply for Medicaid for this purpose. He will keep his Medicare and Medicaid. Medicaid for health is included with Medicaid for NH care.

When it comes to taxes that should be discussed with a tax acct.

If your brother is only on SS, he may not need to pay taxes. And if Medicaid is paying for his care, there will be no caregiving costs. His SS will go to offset the cost of his care and he will get a small amount (my state $50) for personnel needs.

BarbBrooklyn Apr 2022

By "skf" do you mean a skilled nursing facility?

Does your brother currently have Community Medicaid? Is he applying for Long Term Care Medicaid?

Medicare will continue to be his primary health insurance.

The NH will tell you how much of his care is deductible on his income taxes.


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