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geturdone1930 Asked April 2022

Can an assisted living home use the community fee to hold a bed for 30 days?

 The $4,000 was nonrefundable.

AlvaDeer Apr 2022
If you expect a room to be held that means that it cannot be rented.
So yes, it would be normal that there be a fee for this.
Each ALF is allowed to make its own rules regarding this.
The stipulations should be that the rule is explained to you fully ahead of time.
Portions of fees are for food, portions for levels of care, so there may be some deduction off the monthly fee, but not a whole lot normally.

JoAnn29 Apr 2022
That is a question you need to ask the Administrator/Director. It may be in your contract. When Mom was in an AL and had to go to Rehab, she still paid. After 14 days the care part did get knocked off.

Just read that a community fee is basically to get the room ready for a new tenant. Its not like a security deposit where u get it back minus any damages.


BarbBrooklyn Apr 2022
Why does the room need to be held for 30 days?

Have you asked the AL to do this?


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